hoot hoot

art. community. utility


The Devil 

Princess LILAC 




Golden One 

King George

The DJ

The Alchemist


for a chance to win an owl

Flappy Bird


What are Moon Owls ?

The MoonOwls are a collection of algorithmically generated Pixelated Owls designed by Dynamic Labs and minted as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The 1st Act of 3333 Moon Owl will be constructed from various outfits, eyes , digital accessories, top pieces, faces, branches and backgrounds. The MoonOwls have different colours, some rarer than others, and... there are rumors that you could find humans pretending to be Moon Owls too. Is it true? 🤔

What do I get?

Holders receive exclusive access to the next acts of The MoonOwls👀

Each Moon Owl comes with rights to create and distribute derivatives. Read more on the license agreement.

How do I get OwlList ?

The most active and supporting members on our twitter will get OwlList, keep an eye out for giveaways where you could win yourself a precious OwlList spot 🎁

Why Moon Owls ?

By collecting Moon Owls you'll have a voice in the community and help guide the direction of the project and development of the story. Already some great ideas have come from the community. Working together we can continue to grow the Moon Owls ecosystem!

Wen Discord ?

As a part of the 1st act, holders of MoonOwls will obtain exclusive access to a private discord, where members can enter giveaways, connect together, share fan art, and our our networking system to connect with other builders in the Web3 community.

What’s  an NFT?

NFT stands for "Non-fungible token," which means that it's a unique, digital item with blockchain-managed ownership that users can buy, own, and trade. Some NFT's fundamental function is to be digital art. But they can also offer additional benefits like exclusive access to websites, event tickets, game items, and ownership records for physical objects. Think of it as a unique piece of art that can also work as a "members-only" card. MoonOwls works like this.

How do I NFT?

New to NFTs? No worries, here are some steps on what you need to do to get your MoonOwl.

  1. Download the metamask.io extension for the Chrome/Brave browser or app on mobile. This will allow you to make purchases with Ethereum and can be found in the extensions tab. If you are on mobile, you must use the Metamask App Browser
  2. You can purchase Ethereum through the Metamask Wallet using Wyre or Send Ethereum from an exchange like Coinbase.
  3. Click on Connect at the top of the page and connect your Metamask. Once joined, you will be able to purchase the NFTs in the mint section. You will be prompted to sign your transaction. FYI, there will be a fee associated with every transaction related to gas prices.
  4. Once you have made your purchase, your MoonOwls NFTs will be viewable in your wallet and on OpenSea